(請點選照片進入相簿瀏覽/Please Click Pictures to Start Viewing Photo Album) |
母親節感恩茶會 05/11/2014
Mother's Day Tea Party |
妙慧童女経讀書會 05/06/2014
佛誕園遊會暨人間好音緣歌唱大賽 05/04/2014
Bathing Buddha Dharma Service / Sounds of the Human World Singing Contest |
地球日植樹 04/26/2014
Earth Day Trees Planting - Oakland, CA |
八關齋戒 03/22/2014
Eight Precepts |
呉彩蓮母親93歲慶生 03/09/2014
93th Birthday Celebration for Lilian Wu's Mother |
治華師姐慶生 03/02/2014
Birthday Celebration for Sister Chihua Liu |
沙加緬度「菩提寺」春茗募款餐宴 03/01/2014
Sacramento Bodhi Temple Banquet |
元宵同樂廣場 02/15/2014
Lantern Festival Celebration Square |
新春同樂暨雲水三千照片展 02/01/2014
New Year Celebration
& Cloud Water 3000 Exhibition |
除夕辭歲普佛/新春平安燈上燈法會 01/31/2014
New Year Eve Dharma Service
& Peaceful Lantern Offering |
國際佛光會新春聯歡晚會 01/18/2014
BLIA New Year Celebration Party |
法寶節讀書發表會 01/12/2014
Buddha Enlightment Day Books Study Presentation |